The act of appropriating or setting apart; prescribing the destination of a thing; designating the use or application of a fund. In public law. The act by which tne legislative department of government designates a particular fund, or sets apart a specified portion of the public revenue or of the money In the public treasury, to be applied to some general object of governmental expenditure , (as the civil service list, etc..) or to some individual purchase or expense. State v. Moore, 50 Neb. 88, 09 N. W. 373, 61 Am. St Rep. 538; Clayton v. Berry, 27 Ark. 129. When money is appropriated (f. e., set apart) for the purpose of securing the payment of a specific debt or class of debts, or for an individual purchase or object of expense. it is said to be specifically appropriated for that purpose. A specific appropriation is an act of the legislature by which a named sum of money has been set apart in the treasury, and devoted to the payment of a particular demand. Stratton v. Green, 45 Cal. 149.